A- Who was one of hundreds of comics to make it to the top 20, of NBC's™ most recent Last Comic Standing™ auditions, at Carolines™ in New York City?
B- Who just unveiled his life story in a dramatically shocking and humorous one-man show?
C - Who just won the Carnival Comedy Challenge™ at the Improv™ in New York City?
D - Tell me, who's a classic native New Yorker ("street kid" sensibility), struggling in suburbia, who brings an attitude of loveable anger and a buffet of thought provoking material to his audiences?
E - Whose, skills of adaptability and versatility, are constantly in demand by all demographics and age groups?
Answer A,B,C,D,E: JOSEPH ANTHONY...that's whom!
Joseph studied writing style and screen writing, at the New School for Social Research, in New York City, and learned the basics of filmmaking at the College of Staten Island.
He studied the Meisner technique of acting under Joanna Beckson.
In January of 1990, he stepped onstage at a comedy club in Brooklyn, New York. He immediately found the avenue for all three of his artistic passions – writing, acting and stand up comedy. Today, Joseph is a frequent performer and headliner at the most well known comedy clubs and venues in the Northeast and around the country.
Mission Statement
I grew up with five older sisters and no brothers - being heard is not a desire, it's a necessity! A troubled home life, leads you to personal issues or a productive outlet. I've harnessed my fair share of both - especially the latter. I care about my craft and I respect that people work hard for the money they spend, therefore my focus is to deliver on every engagement and in every medium.
Some of what I’ve done/do:
Headlining Clubs
Most every major and minor - New England to Florida (and beyond). Such as-but not only,. Rascals™, Catch A Rising Star™, Uncle Vinnies Comedy Club™, City Steam Brew Ha™, The Punchline™, The Brokerage™,Comedy Works™ (PA. &NY), Comedy Cafe™, Comedy Connection™, Thoroughgood Comedy™, Wiseacres™...Etc.
Strange Things Happen at Sundown™ (Video stores now) role of Mickey Balls
ABC'S, The View™. WOR's, Richard Bey Show™
Fool's Light™ (off-Broadway) Lead Role: Fred
Radio (recurring appearances only)
The Wiseguy show™ (with Soprano's star Big Pussy) - Sirius™ satellite broadcast, Mix 102.7 FM™, NY, NY – w/ Joe Causi and Michele Visage, Pix 106 FM™, Albany, NY - Waking up with the Wolf show™. WPDQ FM™, Freehold, NJ - Crooked Views show™ - Host. The Hawk 105.7 FM™, NJ The Jersey Guys™ (Carton & Rossi), NJ 101.5™ FM
One Man show (Joseph Anthony Speaks the Truth™) -Algonquin Arts™, NJ. N.A.C.A. performer. Carnival™ Cruise Lines, Regal Empress™, Cruise Line. Borgata™, Atlantic City. Comedy Stop™, Atlantic City. Caesar's™, (all 4 Pocono Resorts). Catskill Resorts. One Niters.
Last Comic Standing 2006 ™ 'top 20' round finalist NY (picked from hundreds of comics)
Finalist - Las Vegas Comedy Festival™2006
Winner - Carnival Comedy Challenge™ (Improv™ NYC, 10/05)
Grand Prize Winner - Fade In™ magazines, Screen Test competition (on newsstands June 2004)
Westbury Music Fair™, (Arena, Long Island NY) -Summer fest™ (Big Wisconsin Event)
Good Causes
Comedy Cures™, National MS Society™, Multitude of Civil Service, Military, and Community/Charitable organizations and events.
Comedian since 1990 |